Why Do I Dream in Black and White?
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The simple definition of a dream is a series of thoughts or images that occur in our minds while we sleep. They normally occur during the rapid eye movement (REM) stage. REM sleep constitutes about a quarter of our sleep cycle and often occurs between 70 and 90 minutes after falling asleep.
Why do I dream in black and white? When it comes to dreaming in black and white, there aren’t many theories to support why it happens. The most common thing people relate dreaming in black and white to is from watching monochrome television.
Dreams are usually fantasies or nightmares. In a fantasy dream, you may have experienced a past accomplishment, something that made you proud. Alternatively, it may have been about something you wish to accomplish in the future. A fantasy dream may also just be some random, but inspiring event.
On the other hand, nightmares are often marked by frightening experiences. These could range from being shot, falling off a high cliff, or being chased by strange beings. One major characteristic of dreams is that they sometimes appear in black and white. In this post, we shall investigate why that is the case.
What Does Dreaming In Black And White Signify?
There is no clear and conclusive theory that explains why we dream. However, some believe it is a way our minds prepare us for some unforeseen experiences. Accounts abound of people who dreamt of events that they actually came to experience in real life. Other theories suggest that we dream what we think about all day, while others believe dreams are a way the brain revisits our past lives, especially when there was something extraordinarily pleasant or awful about it.
However, much of our dreams are random and usually have no direct relation to our day-to-day lives.
What Does Research Say?
According to this article in the New-York Times, many people admit to dreaming in color as opposed to only a few that admit to dreaming in black and white. As we have already mentioned, dreams are reenactments of our daily experiences.
And in this era of color televisions and HD images, it is only natural that whatever we experience in dreams is manifested in some form of color. However, dreams that manifest themselves in black and white can be attributed to older people who had much of their childhood spent during the monochromatic television eras.
What Is The Spiritual Meaning Of Black In Dreams?
Black is associated with dark and mysterious experiences. If you keep seeing this color in your dreams, it may be a wakeup call that you are about to experience something strangely phenomenal.
These could range from things such as death in the family, rejection, relationship breakups or any other form of unpleasant experience. It could also signify the natural ending to an era. Therefore, when you dream in black, it is imperative that you delve deeper into your unconscious and unearth the meaning.
What Is The Spiritual Meaning Of White In Dreams?
Color white in dreams is related to rebirth. It is often an indication that things are about to change in your life for the better. Usually, white dreams signify purity of the mind as well as clarity of thought.
It is common to dream of attending an event in a white wedding gown, or have bright hues of white color wherever you go. This is the clearest indications ever of cleanliness, purity and happiness. Unlike black, white symbolizes the end of suffering and the beginning of new tidings.
So, What Does A Combination Of Black and White Mean In A Dream?
Though black and white have sharp contrasts, one thing is for sure – they each denote the end of something and the beginning of another. Think of a blackboard or a whiteboard as a clean slate on which to begin writing the story of your life – this is exactly what they mean, even in dreams. Therefore, dreaming in black and white could signify an imminent drastic change in your life.
As the dreamer, you should give an insightful analysis to the dream and unearth all possible meanings to it. Also, it is important to identify the areas you need to make adjustments on so that the change can be comfortably accommodated when it finally sets in.
Which is More Dominant?
In order to correctly decipher the meaning of your dream, it is important to identify the dominant color hue between the two. You will discover that in most dreams, one color outshines the other. Follow the dominant color hue.
Dreaming in black and white could also signify that your life is dull and boring, and it is time to make adjustments. People afflicted with stress, depression and loneliness are likely to have dreams in black and white.
At times, our dreams are just a reenactment of the colors we see. For example, when you constantly see the color black in whatever you do, you are likely to dream of being thrown into a bottomless pit. This clearly makes sense since a pit is so much synonymous with dark colors.
Black and white dreams are also associated with inaction or stagnation in a process. When you have such dreams, chances are that your life has remained in the present rut long enough and a change is necessary. It could also mean that the course of action you have adopted is less likely to yield the desired results, hence the need to revisit your strategies.
Lastly, dreaming in black and white could symbolize emotional emptiness and despondency. If you are emotionally indifferent to the feelings and affairs of the world around you, you may experience these dreams.
Conclusion – Why Do I Dream in Black and White?
Dreams, whether they occur in black and white or in color, are things we should take seriously. However elating or frightening a dream may feel, it is important to remember that each dream is ominous in its own right.
Above all, remember that dreams are personal and relevant to our life’s circumstances. So, when trying to uncover the meaning, do so based on the things you experience at a personal level.
- What is REM?– Also known as the rapid eye-movement or Stage Five of the sleep cycle. It is the stage where you experience most dreams. REM is characterized by, as the name suggests, rapid eye-movements as well as intensive respiration and super-high brain activity.
- How likely are you to remember dreams? – It is believed we do not remember most of our dreams. However, your chances of remembering a dream increases if you are awakened during the REM stage.
- Are dreams good for you? – Yes. First of all, dreaming is a sign of healthy sleeping patterns. Also, people that dream are known to have better memory and moods than those that don’t.